Before I show you my desk, I want to say a very big thank you for all of your wonderful comments and special thank you for all the prayers that went up last week for Michael. I am so happy to report that we experienced a small miracle, Michael's skin cancer was removed, but when the dr opened up the area, there was no need to remove the nerve ( that according to the dr, would definately have had to go) and no need for a skin graft. The cancer= as big as the top af a tea cup - was sucessfully removed and he will need no further surgery or chemo! Drs are surprised, but his mom and I are just smiling, because we know, our Father in Heaven is so good to us and we are humbled by this miracle in Mike's life. He is still in a lot of pain, but a very happy young man.

My desk, as you can see, is just getting worse and worse, without actually doing anything. You will see my son's trousers that need shortening. ( It has been pinned and just needs doing!) Better get a move on, he needs it for a bowls game this weekend. There are some coloured images, cut and ready to go on cards - no finished cards yet.

Thought I would also share this pic with you. My DD, the waterpolo coach. Sad, I know, but I love watching her do what she loves doing. Never thought for a minute that it would be just as stressful to watch the team she is coaching as watching her play. Weird that. So nice to see such a young person so passionate about the game and so commited to giving back to the game that she loves so much.

While I was watching the game, my eye caught sight of this beautiful Jacaranda tree, with its distinctive purple flowers. Reminded me that it is time for the final exams soon. Some schools have already started, we start on Monday. The legend here in South Africa says that: if a Jacaranda blossom should fall on your head, it is a sign that you will definately pass your exams.
My best wishes to all scholars and students writing. May you be rewarded for a years hard work. and may the Jacaranda blossoms fall on every head. Happy Wednesday to you all. Remember to pop in at Julia's to snoop at everybody's desk. ( )