Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sometimes it really sucks to live in South Africa and I am so not showing you those cards!

Don't get me wrong, I am not one of the 'lets run everything about our country down' brigade, but sometimes it is really hard to remain positive about all the things in my beloved country. These two beautiful girls in the picture below. my daughter Daniela and my granddaughter Tertia-Lee were in the middle of an armed robbery at Spar in Benoni. Daniela stopped to get bread and milk on the way home from swimming lessons and the next thing they knew there were five armed robbers in the Spar, demanding cash from the owner and taking all the customers' phones, jewelery and cash.

For some unknown reason ( I think God had something to do with it) they left Daniela alone and didn't take a thing from her. Not any less traumatising for her though. Daniela was hysterical by the time she phoned me and she has not gone back to any shop since.

Lynette asked if I was going to show you the wedding invitations I was busy making and the answer is a very emphatic NO!!!!! Think - pink marshmallow that exploded, times that by about a hundred and you might come close to what they looked like. I did not even take a photo when I was finished, because I would like to forget about it as soon as possible. Think pink paper, two different shades of pink ribbon, two shades of pink beads, another shade of pink roses and pink heart shaped charms. Not possible you say? Believe me it was worse than your worst nightmare.I was too scared to go to bed that night in fear of having pink dreams! The poor, poor groom! My DH, who is my greatest fan, took one, looked at it for a very long time and said very quietly:' It is really well made dear'. I cried, I laughed so hard. The poor, dear man did not want to hurt my feelings, but he also could not bring himself to tell me it was nice.

The bride, you ask? she is in seventh heaven. She has never seen anything that beautiful in her life - thank goodness it takes all sorts to fill the world.

The next card was made for a friend. Her niece is getting married and the colour scheme is lime green and black. Don't know if I like it, but at least its not pink! Stamp is Heidi Swapp and all papers are Bazzil. Bling from the local bead shop.

These are good luck cards I made for a fellow teacher. Her matrics are writing next Friday and she always asks me to make cards for every one of her pupils. The stamp on the front is an angel from Inkadinkado. They were coloured with my Copics. All paper is Bazzil. (No surprise there!)

On the inside of the card there is a chocolate and space for her to write a personal message to each of her pupils.

Here is a closer view of the Angel. I put Stickles on the wings and then poured more glitter over them to get the effect I wanted. Hope you liked my creations.

Please leave me a comment when you visit so that I can visit you too!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Christmas cards in full swing!

It seems like it is going to be a very pink Christmas around here! Those horrible pink Copics just keep jumping out at me. You've got to admit that she just would not be as cute as this in any other colour. The image is a free digi stamp. Papers are all Bazzil and some leftovers from my scrapbox. The ribbon is from my stash and the snowflakes were glitterified with some diamond Stickles.

The snowman charm is from my local bead shop. Sorry about the bad photo, but we have had rain for the last few days, so no nice sunlight to take it. Here's a close up so you can see just how cute she is and see the shine on the snowflakes.
The next one is another one of Dustin Pike's freebies. The patterned paper is Bo Bunny (I think!)

Another one of Dustin's images. I think I may be addicted to them, but they print so well and they are so much fun to colour! Papers are Bazzil and Bo Bunny

This is an image that I coloured last year (come on, don't pretend you don't have any coloured images that have been lying around for ages and haven't been used!! You do, don't you???) The paper is Basic grey and Bazzil.

And finally, another one of Dustin's little fellows. The wreath was done with Flowersoft and Stickles. All papers are Bazzil and Bo Bunny. Ribbon from my stash.

I am really enjoying making Christmas cards and they are flying out the door, so people must like them.
I am actually supposed to start setting exam papers, but my SIL is coming over tonight with a friend so that I can help the friend make wedding invitations for her daughter. Sounds like more fun than exams, so what can I do?
Hannah has Chicken Pox, poor thing. She is covered in spots. She had her birthday party yesterday and mom was worried about the spots. She took her to the Quick care at the hospital and the dr. there told her that the spots on her head and shoulders were just an allergic reaction and nothing to worry about! This morning it looked like mosquito bites, so off we went to school. Mom was phoned at about 9h30 and told that a girl in Hannah's class had Chicken Pox, so they think that was what was on her little body. Mom took her back to the dr. and it was confirmed. Hope all the children at the party is OK.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Pink Christmas card

When I saw this image in my digi file, The pink Copics just jumped out at me. Papers are all Bazzil and pieces from my scrapbox. The ribbon is from my stash. A really simple card, but I love it.
The image is a freebie by Wendy from Digital doodling.

I put some flock on her fur. Don't know if it came out clear enough in the photo for you to see.

I finally got my new car! Who would have known how much drama there would be when we decided to buy a new car? It takes us a very long time to make a decision this big (the last time we bought a car was 10 years ago!) So it came as a surprise to us that there was so much to be done. We decided to buy two cars instead of just one. Go big or go home I say!

We used the pay out from the insurance and traded my car in as a deposit. When we could not find the original registration papers for my car, DH took the morning off from work to get duplicates from the licensing office in town. I couldn't do it, because the car was in his name! Only those of you living in South Africa will know the agony. Took him two hours to find out that the original papers were still in the bank's posession. We paid off the car about 6 years ago, and they still had the papers?!!!

Off DH went to the bank to get them. Only to be told, "Sorry sir, they have been archived and it will take 7 - 10 working days to retrieve them." By this time DH was late for a meeting and could not stay any longer to argue. He phoned me and told me (actually shouted at me ).

I phoned the bank's head office, only to be calmly told the same thing. By this time, I was getting 'slightly' annoyed. After all. this document was legally ours, and you would think that they would make sure that a document that did not legally belong to them, was given to the legal owners 6 years ago. But NO! Sorry mam, it is your responsability to ask for the document, otherwise we just keep it!!! What the......?

Eventually that afternoon, I go to our local branch where I meet a delightful young man called Jacob Tau. Poor Jacob, he was the one that had to deal with my DH's anger that morning. This young man went out of his way to help. He phoned everybody he could think of that could possibly help, eventually finding somebody that was willing to write a letter stating that we are the legal owners of the car and that the bank would forward the papers asap. The dealer was prepared to accept the document, so we were very happy.

I must tell you, it took poor Jacob three days to get the letter out of this person. Eventually, on Thursday, he told me to sit in his office and not to leave without the letter. It took him three more hours! He would phone, tell the person on the other side who he was, ask them where the letter was and then tell them that the client was sitting in the office, refusing to leave untill he had the letter and that he did not feel like sleeping over in the bank that night, so would they PLEASE type the letter while he was holding? I was very amused, but also very grateful to this young man that so abviously was really trying to help me.

Finally, after he had to explain to the person on the other end how to actually scan and e-mail the letter, I had the document in my hand. While I was in his office, a very distinguished gentleman walked in, shook my hand and thanked me for doing business with Nedbank. I told him that I really wished that I could say that it was a pleasure, but it was an incredible frustration. He looked at me with surprise and I went on to tell him the whole story, making sure I told him what a wonderful asset Jacob was to Nedbank, and that I hoped that they appreciate having people like Jacob work for them. He assured me that they did and then left. When I asked Jacob who that was, he told me it was the new regional manager of the bank! Poor guy could not stop thanking me for saying what I did. I just hope that he gets his due reward. We need more people like Jcob Tau in South Africa!

After all of that, who would believe that the buying of a car would threaten to rip my family apart? I am still debating whether I should post about it. Maybe in a few days when I have recovered from the shock of it all an I can think logically about it.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Baby's first Christmas.

I was asked to make cards for twins. This cute little image is a free digi stamp, but I can't find the link anywhere! They were coloured with my Copics. The fur is flowersoft and the papers Bazzil, Pebbles inc and American crafts. Ribbon is from my stash.

I have had a crazy few days. Bought two new cars. Fought with the bank to get my old car's registration papers ( long story- don't have time now - will tell all later). Went to a seminar, heard Nataniël, had Valedictory at school (very sad to see this group leave), was SIL's birthday on the 15th (Iforgot!!!!). Is my sisters birthday today (going to her to wish her happy birthday). DD is playing a water polo match at 1, want to go watch. Have to buy a present for Hannah, she is turning 5 on Monday. Everybody is coming over to watch the semi-final between the Bulls and Western Province (GO BULLS!!). So you see- NO TIME -GOT to run. Talk more later....

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Some cards for Dustin.

A while ago I discovered Dustin Pike's blog. I fell in love with his images and he has some freebies every week, so I felt it was about time I tried the digi stamp thing. I just love these little fellows. Then I saw that he was appealing to cardmakers to help him raise money for a good cause, he is giving away some free digi images too. Read all about it here : . I have been making cards like crazy and I am hoping to post them tomorrow Hope they get to America on time. The South African postal service is not very famous for their good service.
The first lot of cards are Christmas cards made with one of Dustin's Freebies.Papers are Bazzil and Bo Bunny. used some Flowersoft for the sock - that stuff is really growing on me! For some weird and wonferful reason, blogger is insisting that this photo should be uplaoded the wrong way, I tried to fix it 6 times and then gave up. Just turn your head sideways and it looks perfectly fine. LOL

Here is a close up shot of the little fellow with his Flowersoft sock.

The next card was made with another freebie that I found somewhere, but I could not find the link. If you know who, please let me know so that I can give credit where credit is due. Papers are Bazzil and some leftover from my scrap box. The flowers were from some silk flowers that I bought and pulled apart and some Enmarc paper flowers. The brad is Making Memories (I think!) The cute frog charm is from my local bead shop. I put some Dimentional Magic on the umbrella and water droplets.
Here's a close up of the flowers and the frog.
The last card is a stamped image. I bought the stamp ages ago from the local stationer. All papers are by Bazzil. All the images were coloured with my trusty Copics. I just love those pens! I wish they were more readily available in South Africa.
Hope you liked my cards.
We went car shopping yesterday and bought two cars (yes, TWO) in half an hour flat. I don't think my DH has ever made such a big decision in less than a year, so this must be a world record. Getting them on Wednesday. Will show you pictures then.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Family weddings are so much fun!

My niece got married on Saturday. What a fantastic day it was. It was a real 'boeretroue' (I don't know how to translate that. Literally it would be a farmers wedding, but that is not what it is at all - maybe old school? Somebody help, please!) The reception was in the church hall and all the food, flowers, cake, decorations were made by the bride's family. Her uncle baked the cake. Mom's sister did the flowers and her mom and stepdad made all the food. I think this photo says exactly what kind of day it was. A day filled with joy about two young people who still believe in marriage. So often today people are so busy trying to find the best venue, the best photographer, the best caterer that they forget what it is all about.
This is the bride and her father, my brother in law.

This was Hannah's first experience of a wedding. She has only been to a couple of funerals when close family members passed away. She did not know what to expect at all and when we got to the church, she asked her mom, in a very loud voice: "Mommy, do we HAVE to cry?" Needless to say, there were lots of smiles all round.
When she saw the bride, she was completely bowled over. She came to me at the reception and asked if people were allowed to speak to the lady. When I said yes, she wanted to know if it was allowed to touch her at all. I took her to Wilma and said that Hannah just wanted to say hallo. Bless her heart, Wilma bent down and gave her a big hug. That sealed it, Wilma had a shadow for the rest of the night.
When we said grace I happened to peek at Hannah to see what she was doing and could not help myself. I had to quickly snap this photo. I am sure God will forgive me for this one.
The next photo is of my two youngest with their cousin. Wilma is exactly a year younger than Ankie and her brothers are the same age as Juan and one between them, which meant that they were very close growing up. It is such a gift to have cousins.The last photo is just here because I am very proud of myself for managing to take it. I saw the snail in the church garden and just snapped it.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Tag, you're it!

It has been a while since I did the challenge on Sunday Stamptacular. I have had this card ready since Monday, but just didn't get time to sit down and post it. It has been one of those weeks. The card is going to a male colleague. As usual, I had to make a card that had enough space for everybody to sign and write a message. Nothing better for that than the trusty tag. There are enough tags for everybody.
The papers are all 7Gypsies. I just love rhese colours. Cardstock is Bazzil and the ribbon is from my stash. The image was stamped in brown and is from Crafty Individuals. Hope you like it and I posted on time. The tags were cut with my Cricut. (What did I do in the time before the Cricut?)

Oh, before I forget. How do you like my new blog header? My son designed it for me. If you like it, leave him a comment please. He says I only say it is awesome because he is my son and I think everything he does is cool! LOL