Remember the parrot ate the USB cable for my camera? Don't laugh, it really happened and yes, the parrot is still alive! I finally managed to buy a new cable on Friday, so now I can show you what I have been doing.
As if that wasn't enough, my computer picked up a very nasty virus and there were no young person to be found at home who could fix it! Ankie had a fight with her boyfriend the computer guru (bad timing, don't you think?) When they finally sorted out their problems, she left on water polo tour and we didn't see him for a week. I could have kissed the boy when he brought Ankie home from the airport!
Tour went well, lots of drama, a whole other post, but I will say this: some people will go to very extreme lenghts not to lose! She made the SA Water Polo side again, but doesn't want to get her hopes up, she has been disappointed so often in the past.
My husband and I celebrated our 31st wedding anniversary an the second of December. Sometimes I feel as if it was yesterday when I was walking down the aisle. He still is the one person that makes me so angry I can spit within seconds and he still makes my heart skip a beat when he looks at me in a certain way. Most of all, when adversity strikes, I want nobody else by my side.
OK enough of that. I finally uploaded the picture of the ribbon cabinet DH made for me the other day. Don't you think it is fabulous? Every time I am in my scraproom, I love it more, it is just so practical. No more hunting around, knowing I had the right colour ribbon somewhere - its all there, just waiting to be used.

The next card was another one I had to make for the birthday club at school. One of our secretaries retired at the end of last week and they wanted something special, with a photo. I made a box, cum photo frame. They gave me the picture (she hates the picture, but this is how we will remember her, laughing with her whole being!). The ribbons sticking out at the top are all attached to tags. Everybody wrote a message on the tags and signed it. She loved the card and I think it turned out OK.

A view from the side.

Hope you all have a wonderful week. I am going scrapping with the TMW girls tomorrow. I can't wait, because I haven't scrapped in a very long time. Hope I still can.